Tatsutoshi Nomura | Original concept and artwork created by this animator. |
Village Center | http://www.villagecenter.co.jp made this app for Windows 95. |
Fuji Television | http://www.fujitv.co.jp/straysheep/index2.html made this cartoon (stray sheep). |
Lil_Stenly | Lil_Stenly published all images of the sheep, so thank you Lil that it was possible to have this sheep again on the desktop! |
KingAsylus91 | If you create a new Pet, BrowserJr will be used as template. This image was ripped from game thanks to http://kingasylus91.deviantart.com |
Sergi Fumanya | Sergi implemented the Tray icon on the app. |
Adriano Petrucci | It's me :D Try to make this application better and better. |
MentaDD | http://mentadd.com/sheep/ wrote a help file and tutorial in english for the old sheep. |
IconFinder | The most icons on this page was taken from http://www.iconfinder.com |
GitHub | The entire source code is hosted on GitHub: https://github.com/Adrianotiger/desktopPet/ |
Certum | Certum gives certificates for 14€ to OpenSource developers. Thank you for giving us this chance! https://www.certum.eu Remember to choose SHA-2 for the certificate, because 64-bit systems doesn't allow SHA-1 anymore. |
See Video |
Win 7/8 exe |