Info Icon Editor x -

Online editor

Do you want help and create another pet for this application?
With this editor you can create another pet (it is free) to download or share with others.
Create a new account
Check this to create new account

1. If you create a new Pet, BrowserJr will be used as template, to show how it is made.
2. Check this PDF tutorial to learn what you can do and how to do it.
3. Once you finished, you can publish your pet as beta or release (remember: saving your pet will remove it from the published pets list).
Some statistics:
- 1116 Pets - In developing phase.
- 18 Pets - Released as beta (to test).
- 30 Pets - Released and ready to use.

GitHub Open Source x -

This is an
Open Source project!

You can see the entire code and wiki on GitHub.
See this project and report any bugs here:
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Download for free!

Now as UWP-App for Windows 10
Download it directly from the Microsoft Store:
See Video
Win 7/8 exe
Redirect Go to GitHub x -

Go to GitHub!

This page is outdated. The entire project and a new editor are now hosted on GitHub.
Also the webpage and Blog is now on Github pages.
Please visit:
Online Editor Editor x -

Create your own pet!

I wrote an online editor, so you can write your personal pet and publish it worldwide!
Download Editor
Open Editor


Some utilities for the editor:
Open Converters

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