
* Advanced


This application is a single exe (for Windows 7/8/10). I signed it to increase my reputation but your antivirus or firewall could block it until it has enough downloads. Once downloaded, you can execute it and the sheep will opened.
If you like it, you can install it on your computer (option in the tray icon). This will copy the exe in your userdata folder, add up to 3 shortcuts and an uninstaller.


eSheep is a walking sheep. Has NO functionality, so if you downloaded it you lost your time for nothing ;)
This sheep will walk around your desktop when you are working. This was the original idea of the creator.
Since the original eSheep doesn't work anymore, I made this simple opensource project, to get this sheep alive again.

Sheep Interaction

This is what you can do with the sheep:

Tray Icon

On the Tray Icon you have more options:


If you install the application, you can choose between 3 shortcuts: You can change or remove them throug the application or if you uninstall the application.
The application can get some arguments (also throug shortcuts):
C:\>DesktopPet.exe localxml=animation.xml
will try to load a local XML animation.
C:\>DesktopPet.exe webxml=http://...../animation.xml
Will try to load an XML animation from the web.
C:\>DesktopPet.exe localxml=animation.xml install=yes
will load a local XML and open the installer.
Using WinRar or HaoZip, you can create your own PET-installer, without see the sheep during installation:
  1. Create your pet animation and get the xml file
  2. Zip the application and the xml file
  3. Create a SFX archive (.exe) and open the advanced options
  4. Select: copy/unpack to temporary directory
  5. Add this line to "run after extraction": "DesktopPet.exe loacalxml=YOURXML install=yes"
  6. Optional: set a logo and icon for the SFX
That's all! Now you can "misuse" the application with your animation!

Create another pet

You can create your own pet and distribute it to everyone.
What you need is a simple xml with the data.
You can use the online editor to create your pet.
If you need help to use this editor, check the Manual - online editor.pdf.

HELP eSheep